Sep 2016


Paternity Leave Benefits – Update from Revenue

In August Revenue issued guidance for the new Paternity Benefit which was introduced in respect of Births and Adoptions on or after 1st September, 2016.

Paternity Benefit will be liable for income tax but not PRSI or USC. All employees who pay their tax through the PAYE system will automatically have their annual tax credits and rate bands reduced by the amount of benefit paid. Employers and pension providers will be notified of the adjusted tax credits and cut-off points on their Employer Tax Credit certificates.

Paternity Benefit should not be included on Forms P45, P60 and P35L.

Paternity Benefit is payable at the minimum rate of €230 per week for two weeks and must be taken in one block. Although some employers can pay employees while on Paternity Leave, however this is not a requirement. In such cases, the Paternity Benefit should be paid to the employer. If you have any queries on the appropriate payments, please direct them to the Department of Social Protection.

Posted byLorraine McEvoyinParental LeavePayroll Software