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Jun 2018


Thesaurus Software launch employee payroll smartphone app

In today’s fast paced environment employees want their payslips at their fingertips. Our cloud add-on Thesaurus Connect now offers an employee smartphone and tablet app for employees to access their payroll information on the go. The Thesaurus Connect app integrates with the Thesaurus payroll software application bringing a new level of efficiency and productivity to managers who manage the payroll, leave requests and HR activities. The employee app is available to download for free on any Android or iOS device.

Thesaurus Connect offers an online intuitive app, providing employees with the following benefits:

  • Manage and access payroll information on the go
  • View and download current and historic payslips
  • Update and edit personal contact details
  • Submit annual leave and unpaid leave requests 
  • Access an employee leave calendar 
  • Store and access HR documents (eg. company newsletters and contracts of employment)
  • Access the Thesaurus Connect employee smartphone & tablet app

Thesaurus developed the employee payroll app to improve the payroll processing for accountants, employers and employees. The Thesaurus Connect app increases the level of accessibility that employees have to their payroll data while providing innovative features that reduces the overall administrative HR processing time and general payroll related enquiries.

Benefits for Accountants / Payroll Bureaus

Payroll bureaus can now automate the distribution of payslips and eliminate the need to print or email payslips to employees. Employees no longer need to contact their payroll bureaus when they need 6 months worth of past payslips when applying for a mortgage or loan. The leave management tool reduces back and forth correspondence between you and your client. All leave requests can now be managed by your client and will automatically be updated to the employee’s calendar in Connect, if approved. Under the GDPR, it is recommended that you provide individuals with a remote self-service system. Thesaurus Connect offers an additional layer of security while providing a self-service app, helping bureaus work towards GDPR compliance.

Benefits for Employers / Payroll Clients

Employers can offer their employees a self-service app offering full transparency when accessing payslips and other personal information. The annual leave management tool allows employers or HR managers to seamlessly process leave requests with changes updating on the employee’s calendar on their online portal.. The employer portal provides an overview of all employee leave in the company-wide leave calendar, ensuring that employers have adequate cover at peak times. The smartphone and tablet app allows employees to seamlessly connect and interact with employers and HR managers, cutting down on employee queries, making it a valuable time-saving tool.

Benefits for Employees

The employee payroll app provides a better control process, improved efficiency and an online platform for your team to manage their payroll information and personal contact details. Employees have instant access to their payroll information including payslips, an employee calendar and an annual leave request facility. Employees can also view their HR documents such as their contract of employment and employee handbooks. The Thesaurus Connect app offers enhanced GDPR security for the employee’s personal payroll data. Thesaurus Connect is powered using the latest web technologies and hosted on Microsoft Azure for ultimate performance, reliability and scalability.

Click here for a full list of employee app features.

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Thesaurus Payroll Software | BrightPay Payroll Software

Posted byKaren BennettinBrightPay ConnectEmployee Self Service