Thesaurus Payroll 2025 is now available to download - please click on this link 2025 Payroll Download 

Click here for 2024 FAQs


Dec 2020


Christmas Opening Hours

The management and staff of Thesaurus Software Ltd would like to thank you for your valued custom in 2020 and to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Here are our opening hours for the Christmas period:

Monday 21st 09:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 22nd 09:30 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 23rd 09:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 17:00
Thursday 24th Closed
Friday 25th Closed
Saturday 26th Closed
Sunday 27th Closed
Monday 28th Closed
Tuesday 29th 09:30 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 30th 09:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 17:00
Thursday 31st 09:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 17:00
Friday 1st Closed

Call us on 01 8352074, email us at or complete our online form.

Visit online documentation Online form

Dec 2020


The COVID Heroes of the Accounting World

Thesaurus Software is delighted to announce that BrightPay has won the COVID-19 Hero Award (supplier) at the Accounting Excellence Awards. BrightPay is created by Thesaurus Software, and although this was awarded to BrightPay, this is simply what our company is called in the UK - two different names, but the same company and the same 75 employees behind this award.

The judges recognised that we went above and beyond to support payroll professionals at a time when they were under pressure with government schemes and trying to interpret scheme guidance. Paying employees was one of the areas most impacted by COVID-19 and we recognised customers would struggle to implement government schemes.

The main challenge for us has been delivering upgrades to minimise the stress for customers. Our COVID-19 upgrades were released in advance of scheme changes being implemented. In most cases, we were first to the market with upgrade releases with other providers taking longer or needing additional software bug fixes, not automating scheme calculations or not implementing functionality for every change.

Our speedy upgrades to the payroll software focused on automation functionality to accurately calculate scheme payments and claims which meant customers were prepared and compliant.  

Our customer support strategy involved additional staffing and increased hours. Our comprehensive webinar, blog and email strategy educated and informed customers about COVID-19 processes and presented demonstrations of how to action these schemes in our payroll products. Our multi-channel approach guided our customers to easily implement government measures.

Speaking at the Accounting Excellence Awards, host extraordinaire Mike Goldsmith said “the judges saw that BrightPay went above and beyond to support their client base and payroll professionals at a time when they were under pressure with furlough claims and interpreting guidance. BrightPay did this through a coordinated strategy that went beyond product enhancement. Their success in this was evidenced by high customer satisfaction and impressive reach with their support material.”

Find out more about our COVID-19 Response Plan and how we have helped our customers throughout the pandemic.

Related Articles:

Payroll in a Pandemic - Make sure your practice isn't left behind
Thesaurus Software’s COVID-19 Response Plan
Free Webinar: EWSS Explained | Guest: Revenue

Posted byRachel HynesinAwardsCoronavirus

Dec 2020


Thesaurus Customer Update: December 2020

Welcome to Thesaurus Software's December update. Our most important news this month include:

*** Extra Dates Added to COVID-19 Webinar Series ***

Still confused about the Wage Subsidy Scheme? Don’t worry you’re not alone. Due to phenomenal demand, extra dates have been added to our COVID-19 & payroll webinar series. Join us on 9th December for our free webinar: Important Updates to the Wage Subsidy Scheme | Guest Speaker: Revenue

Time to Renew your 2021 Payroll Licence – What's the Quickest Way? 

Due to the impact of the pandemic, our phone lines are busier than ever before which is leading to longer than normal wait times. The quickest and easiest way to purchase your 2021 licence is online. The order process is straightforward and takes approximately 3 minutes to complete. Once your order is complete you will receive your invoice along with your licence key which you will need to activate your 2021 licence.

Please note: Thesaurus Payroll Manager has not been released yet. We will send you another email once the software is available to download and install.

Employee Gift Cards & The Benefits of the Small Benefit Exemption Scheme 

As Christmas fast approaches, employers are looking for ways to show their employees their appreciation for their hard work, especially in these difficult times. Employers can reward employees without incurring taxes by giving them a One4all gift card using the Small Benefit Exemption Scheme. Avoid the post office queues and purchase your gift cards from within Thesaurus Payroll Manager. There is no additional charge to avail of this facility to purchase gift cards. 

Payroll in a Pandemic - Make sure your practice isn't left behind

Accountants and payroll bureaus are urged to plan and prepare for the upcoming challenges COVID-19 brings to their payroll services. Now is the time to plan and future-proof your payroll bureau for survival. This guide highlights practical tips to ensure COVID-19 doesn’t affect your payroll performance.

New improved ‘working from home’ functionality (Coming 2021)

Thesaurus Payroll Manager 2021 in tandem with Thesaurus Connect will allow for completely seamless ‘working from home’ process where there are multiple individuals who work on or require access to the same employer files. This new functionality improves the remote working experience, giving you all the benefits of the cloud while utilising the power and responsiveness of your local device.

Posted byRachel HynesinCustomer Update