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Apr 2019


From the support desk: Processing leavers

From 1st January 2019, employers are no longer required to issue a P45 to an employee and submit the P45 Part 1 to Revenue. Instead, an employee’s leave date is be reported to Revenue in the final payroll submission made for the employee.

Therefore, to process a leaver in Thesaurus Payroll Manager, you will now enter their leave date at the time of entering final payment to them and before you update the pay period.

  1. To perform this task, simply access Process icon No. 3 and select the employee using the drop down listing.
  2. Next, enter all final pay items due to the employee.
  3. Once all pay items have been entered, tick the field provided to indicate the employee is leaving.
  4. At the prompt, click ‘Yes’ if it is correct that the employee is to be part of the current pay run you are processing.
  5. Enter the employee’s leave date, as required, in the field provided.
  6. Click ‘Update File' to save the information you have entered.

On updating the pay period, the associated payroll submission that is created for you will now include details of the employee leaving and their leave date. Once the file is submitted, Revenue will be notified that the employee has left your employment. The employee’s record will also now indicate that they have left the employment and they will no longer be included in any future pay runs.

In the event that you need to issue a mid-period final payslip (e.g. you operate monthly payroll and an employee is leaving mid month), a dedicated facility is provided in the software to facilitate this. Click here for more information on processing a leaver mid pay period. 

Aug 2017


Paternity Leave – Uptake lower than expected

In September 2016, fathers of children born in Ireland became eligible for the first time to take up to two weeks’ paternity leave and to receive Paternity Benefit from the Department of Social Protection. Statistics collated from the first few months of the scheme show, however, that just one in four fathers eligible for the scheme chose to avail of it. This is in stark contrast to the expectation that 60% of eligible fathers would avail of the scheme when it was first announced.

Just over 5,000 paternity benefit applications were awarded during the first three months of the scheme going live, with County Longford, Kerry, Roscommon, and Clare having the fewest applicants. A larger uptake, however, was seen in County Dublin, Cork and Kilkenny.

A further 7,500 paternity benefit claims were subsequently awarded in the first four months of 2017. Under the new scheme, eligible fathers are entitled to two weeks of paternity leave. The two-week leave can be taken at any point within 28 weeks of the birth or adoption of a child, but the two weeks must be taken together.

A social welfare benefit of €235 per week is paid for the two weeks. It is at an employer’s discretion if they wish to top up this payment to the full weekly wage normally earned by the employee. Despite the low uptake so far, it is hoped that the number of applicants will increase as the scheme enters its second year in September.

Current statistics also don’t reflect fathers who may be delaying their paternity leave, for example, fathers whose child was born on February 28 this year can take it at any time up to September 1, 2017.

Guidance on how employers should treat Paternity Benefit and when it should be entered in Thesaurus Payroll Manager can be found here:

Related article: Equality for working Dads with new Paternity Leave

Posted byVictoria ClarkeinAnnual LeaveParental Leave

Jul 2014


Need assistance with processing Illness Benefit?

Processing Illness Benefit can be an area of confusion for many employers due to the number of scenarios which can apply:

1. The employer does not pay the employee while they are out sick

2. The employer pays the employee while they are out sick, and the employee retains the Illness Benefit payment from DSP

3. The employer pays the employee while they are out sick, and the employer receives the Illness Benefit payment from DSP

For video help on how to account for illness benefit within Payroll Manager, see below.

Alternatively, telephone support is available at 01 8352074 as well as associated online documentation at

Posted byVictoria ClarkeinPayroll Software