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Nov 2018


PAYE Modernisation for Employees

PAYE Modernisation is coming on January 1st 2019. Ultimately, this means that employers will be obliged to report their employees’ pay and deductions to Revenue when or before they pay them.

There are many benefits for you, as an employee:

  • The availability of real-time data that is accurate and accessible through Revenue’s online systems
  • The ability to maximise the use of your entitlements
  • The ability to access clear information about the deductions being reported to Revenue on your behalf


Will PAYE Modernisation affect your pay?

No, there will be no change to how your employer pays you and they will still provide you with a payslip.

However, your employer will now need to connect to ROS before calculating your pay and deductions to ensure they are using your most up-to-date tax credits and cut off points. They will also have to report these deductions to Revenue every time you are paid. You will be able to view pay and deductions on myAccount on the Revenue website.

You will receive your last P60 at the end of 2018. After that, you will no longer receive a P60, as Revenue will issue you with an End of Year Statement.


Thesaurus Payroll Manager | BrightPay Ireland


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Posted byHolly McHughinPAYE ModernisationPayrollPayroll Software

Nov 2018


Thesaurus will be ready for PAYE Modernisation

Thesaurus & BrightPay are working with Revenue to ensure our payroll software can easily cater for the needs of PAYE Modernisation which will be effective from 1 January 2019. Our payroll features will streamline real time reporting for employers to easily comply with the new PAYE system.

PAYE Modernisation will enable Revenue to ensure employees are receiving their correct tax credits and cut-off points throughout the year. This compares with the current PAYE reporting which is done through P35s on a yearly basis. PAYE Modernisation will be fully integrated with both Thesaurus & BrightPay, allowing employers to simplify the payroll process and reduce the administrative cost.

Our development team have already experienced what it was like to implement real time processing and reporting with our UK payroll software. Our understanding and knowledge will guarantee that our payroll systems offer a seamless and user-friendly PAYE Modernisation process for our customers.

We are currently running PAYE Modernisation demos several times a week. Take a look and see what PAYE Modernisation will look like in 2019.

Register for our free 10 minute demo!


Free Guide for Payroll Bureaus

PAYE Modernisation: The ins & outs of increasing frees without losing clients.


Download now

Click here to register and find out more about our upcoming PAYE Modernisation webinars.

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Thesaurus Payroll Software | BrightPay Payroll Software

Posted byHolly McHughinPAYE Modernisation

Nov 2018


Manually Processing Payroll with PAYE Modernisation

PAYE Modernisation is the most significant change ever to happen to the Irish PAYE system. The new legislation will be a big change for all employers, especially those with little payroll experience. With the added workload required to process PAYE Modernisation, it is important that all employers prepare for PAYE Modernisation. From the very beginning of the year, employers must be ready to start reporting their payroll information to Revenue in real time.

Revenue estimates that a large number of employers still calculate their payroll manually. With PAYE Modernisation, these employers can still process their payroll using a manual, spreadsheet or paper-based system, but this outdated process will be time-consuming, cumbersome and prone to errors. Failing to comply with PAYE Modernisation will result in penalties or fines being imposed from Revenue.

Employers who process payroll manually will need to login to the ROS portal each pay period, be it weekly or monthly, and manually enter the required details for each of their employees, a bit like manually completing a P35 each pay period. Also, before processing the payroll in any week, manual users will need to login to ROS to get details of tax credits and cut off points.

Many business owners believe that a manual payroll system is a relatively easy way to manage their payroll and can seem like the most cost-effective option. However, along with the additional time required to process payroll, a manual system can result in inaccurate payroll processing as it does not have built-in processes to catch mistakes or notify you of payroll changes. Manual records are also very difficult to maintain, store securely under GDPR and are subject to greater human error. It is important to note that late periodic submissions or a constant pattern of correction submissions will potentially result in non-compliance penalties and fines.


PAYE Modernisation with Payroll Software

Revenue has strongly advised employers to review their payroll processes and systems to ensure they meet the new PAYE Modernisation requirements for January 2019. Payroll software which caters for PAYE Modernisation will improve and simplify communications between employers and Revenue.

If you have the correct payroll software tools in place, the ongoing reporting to Revenue will be seamless, ultimately saving time and reducing the risk of errors each pay period. Employers using payroll software that is Revenue compliant will be able to create and send the periodic PSR submission directly to Revenue from the payroll software at the click of a button. This integration with Revenue will also allow employers to automatically retrieve RPNs for employees from within the payroll software. Changes to an employees tax credits and cut-offs can then be updated in the payroll software with just one click.


Free Online Training

Thesaurus Software and Revenue have teamed up to bring you free PAYE Modernisation training webinars. We have put together a series of webinars aimed specifically at employers who are currently processing their payroll manually. During the webinars, we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of manually processing your payroll for PAYE Modernisation. Places are limited - Click here to book your place now.

Thesaurus Software is at the forefront when it comes to PAYE Modernisation complaint payroll software. With two different payroll packages to choose from - Thesaurus Payroll Manager and BrightPay - customers will be guaranteed leading-edge software and expertise. To help single-employee companies with their PAYE Modernisation duties, we are offering a free BrightPay employer licence for 2019. This free licence includes free email support and full functionality for PAYE Modernisation.


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Thesaurus Payroll Software | BrightPay Payroll Software



Posted byRachel HynesinPAYEPAYE ModernisationPayrollPayroll Software

Nov 2018


How do you submit payroll information with PAYE Modernisation?

Ensure that you’re PAYE Modernisation ready, no matter how you currently manage or run your payroll.

Processing Payroll software In-house?

Ask your payroll software provider if they are PAYE Modernisation ready. It’s up to you to make sure you are using software that is legally compliant with the new PAYE system and that you have access to the support you need to submit PAYE information in real time. BrightPay is working with Revenue to make sure our payroll software can easily cater for the needs of PAYE Modernisation processing. Our software will streamline real time reporting so that employers can easily comply with the new PAYE system. In the UK market, we have already experienced what it was like to implement real time processing and PAYE reporting with BrightPay UK, meaning we have been down this road before and are experts!

Outsourcing Payroll?

Be mindful if you outsource your payroll processing as it is still your responsibility to comply with PAYE Modernisation. Ensure you understand how your payroll processor is complying with PAYE Modernisation and if you will need to make any changes to your business processes.

Manually Processing & Uploading?

Revenue are providing a facility for employers to manually upload payroll submissions which will be a time-consuming and error prone process. Revenue have strongly recommended that employers use payroll software. Using a manual approach, employers would need to login to ROS and enter all of the required details for all of their employees, a bit like manually completing a P35 each pay period. Also, before processing the payroll in any week, employers would need to religiously log in to ROS to get details of tax credits and cut-off points. This facility in ROS will only be available for employers with 5 or less employees. It should also be noted that the manual ROS input screens will not calculate taxes.

Are there any fines and penalties?

Non-compliant businesses can expects Revenue intervention. More information on penalties is expected to be confirmed in the coming months.

Click here to register and find out more about our upcoming PAYE Modernisation webinars.

Related Articles:

Posted byHolly McHughinPAYE Modernisation

Oct 2018


Manually processing payroll? It’s time to modernise your payroll processing.

With PAYE Modernisation just around the corner, it is now essential for all businesses to start planning for the updated PAYE system. Employers should be aware of how the change will affect them in order to ensure they can cater to the demands of the modernised system.

Worryingly, a significant number of employers are still processing their payroll using a manual or spreadsheet system. A manual approach might seem like the most cost-effective option but can result in errors. Inaccurate payroll processing could potentially amount to penalties from Revenue.

For the significant number of employers processing payroll manually on a yearly submission basis, this will no longer be acceptable by Revenue. The last yearly submission will need to be made in January 2019 for the 2018 tax year. From 2019 onwards, the yearly submission to Revenue will cease to exist. In its place, employers will be required to calculate and report their employee’s pay and deduction information as they are being paid.

Payroll calculations are complex and change regularly. A manual system does not have a built-in process to catch mistakes or notify employers of any payroll changes. Manual records are also harder to maintain and store securely (a GDPR requirement).

Free Webinars for Manual Payroll Processors:

We are holding detailed webinars exclusively for payroll processors still using manual or spreadsheet systems. The webinars will dive into the pros and cons of having a manual system in place.
We will take you through your essential PAYE Modernisation checklist making it feasible to streamline the PAYE Modernisation process. Our free webinars include a guest presentation from Sinead Sweeney, the PAYE Modernisation Change Manager for the Revenue Commissioners.


  • An overview of PAYE Modernisation
  • Elimination of the P forms - P30, P60 P35, P46 and P45 forms
  • Manually process PAYE Modernisation and the limitations 
  • How PAYE Modernisation will affect employees
  • Importance of securely storing your payroll files
  • 10 Step Checklist 
  • How we are helping small employers
  • Q&A

Register Now | More Info

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BrightPay Payroll Software | Thesaurus Payroll Manager

Posted byCailin ReillyinPAYE Modernisation

Oct 2018


How to Master PAYE Modernisation

In January 2019 Revenue will begin to enforce a new Pay As You Earn system that will introduce real-time reporting of employee’s tax and other deductions directly to Revenue every time an employee is paid. This new system will be known as PAYE Modernisation.

Although the new system is expected to cause a lot of confusion, particularly for small and micro employers, PAYE Modernisation will seek to provide a much more accurate solution to the current PAYE system and ultimately benefit all employers and employees.

For over two decades, Thesaurus payroll software has supported businesses both large and small to pay hundreds of thousands of employees every month. At Thesaurus and BrightPay we are working directly with Revenue to make sure we’re ready for PAYE Modernisation. Our aim is to ensure the new PAYE process is a seamless and smooth process for our users.

Our development team have already experienced what it is like to implement real time processing and reporting in the UK. Our understanding and knowledge coupled with the reliability and maturity of Thesaurus payroll software will guarantee a user-friendly PAYE Modernisation experience.

We understand how stressful this change is going to be for payroll professionals and as a result, to help you get it right, Thesaurus have teamed up with a Revenue representative to bring you a series of webinars where you’ll gain the knowledge needed to comply with and master the new PAYE changes. Places are limited - secure your place today.

PAYE Modernisation: Key facts you must know to ensure 100% compliance.


  • An overview of PAYE Modernisation
  • Recent updates and changes to PAYE Modernisation
  • Can PAYE Modernisation be processed manually?
  • Elimination of the P forms - P30, P60 P35, P46 and P45 forms
  • Making corrections in real-time 
  • The role of payroll software
  • How PAYE Modernisation will affect small employers
  • The benefits of PAYE Modernisation for you
  • 10 step Checklist to PAYE Modernisation
  • How Thesaurus Payroll handles PAYE Modernisation

The Panel
Main presenter: Paul Byrne
Guest presenter: Sinead Sweeney
Guest presenter: Sandra Clarke

More information | Secure your place

Read More Like This:

PAYE Modernisation: Meet the experts
PAYE Modernisation: What you need to know
GDPR and Payroll Processing. Do I need consent from my client's employees?

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Thesaurus Payroll Software | BrightPay Payroll Software


Posted byCailin ReillyinPAYEPAYE ModernisationPayrollPayroll Software

Sep 2018


The Death of PAYE ‘P Forms’

The introduction of PAYE Modernisation is just months away, leaving employers bewildered and confused about what the new PAYE system will entail. Essentially, all of the current ‘P Forms’ - P30s, P35s, P60s, P45s and P46s - will be abolished, and in their place will be real time periodic submissions to Revenue. Employers will be required to send these submissions, known as Payroll Submission Requests (PSRs), to Revenue each time an employee is paid. In most cases, this means a file will be submitted either weekly or monthly.

As Revenue will be receiving file submissions each pay period, the annual P35 will no longer be required. In addition, this periodic file will eliminate the need for P30s.

The files being submitted each pay run will also have details of employees commencing and employees leaving. This will mean that P45s and P46s are no longer required to be completed by the employer.

At the end of a tax year, the individual taxpayer will be able to view and print their official certificate of earnings and deductions directly from the MyAccount portal on the Revenue website. This means that P60s should no longer be needed.

PAYE Modernisation with Payroll Software

PAYE Modernisation should not add to an employers workload. In fact, employer responsibilities will be greatly reduced. Payroll software will be able to seamlessly integrate into the Revenue system, enabling employers to make the periodic submission directly from the payroll software at the click of a button.

Thesaurus Software is at the forefront when it comes to PAYE Modernisation compliant payroll software. With two different payroll packages to choose from - Thesaurus Payroll Manager and BrightPay - customers will be guaranteed leading edge software and expertise. We have already experienced the introduction of a similar real time reporting system with our UK payroll software.

Book a demo today to find out just how easy PAYE Modernisation can be when using the right payroll software package.

Related Articles:

Thesaurus Payroll Manager | BrightPay Payroll Software

Posted byRachel HynesinPAYE Modernisation

Sep 2018


Thesaurus Payroll Manager - Customer Survey Results

Opinions and feedback from our customers matter to us. We love to hear comments and suggestions from users in order to improve our customers’ experience. We recently conducted a customer survey to get an insight into what customers think about Thesaurus Payroll Manager and to find out what new features our customers want. We appreciate all the feedback received from this year’s survey and would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who took part.

The survey looked at customer satisfaction rates, software performance and customer support. We were delighted to discover that the customer satisfaction rate for our payroll software has remained at its exceptional 99%. The satisfaction rate for the customer support offered has also kept its 99% satisfaction rate.

One of the most common suggestions from this year’s survey was for the ability to reverse the payroll for individual employees rather than having to re-input the payroll for all employees. We are delighted to confirm that Thesaurus Payroll Manager 2019 will allow you to make corrections to previous pay periods for individual employees.

Thesaurus Connect

The survey also included some questions regarding our optional cloud add-on, Thesaurus Connect. With an overall satisfaction rate of 91%, customers rated Thesaurus Connect’s features highly, including the secure online backup (99%), payslip & P60 online accessibility (98%), HR document upload (98%), value/price (97%) and its ability to reduce payroll administration tasks (90%).

Watch this short video for an overview of how Thesaurus Connect can meet your payroll and HR needs.

PAYE Modernisation

This year’s survey also looked at PAYE Modernisation. With the introduction of this new system just three months away, we were surprised to find out that almost 7% of employers said that they were not aware of the upcoming changes.

When looking at the question ‘Do you feel prepared for the introduction of PAYE Modernisation?’, the results were also quite worrying. Just 2% of employers said that they felt extremely prepared, while a massive 32% said they felt not at all prepared.


It is important that all employers understand the new PAYE changes being implemented. We are running a series of free PAYE Modernisation training webinars with a guest speaker from Revenue. Make sure to book your place now.

Alternatively, you can book an online PAYE Modernisation demo with Thesaurus Payroll Manager to find out what the software will look like in 2019.

Related Articles:


Thesaurus Payroll Manager | BrightPay Payroll Software

Posted byRachel HynesinPAYE ModernisationPayroll Software

Sep 2018


The Existing PAYE System VS PAYE Modernisation: Which is really better?

The Irish PAYE system was first implemented back in 1960 with no major changes since its introduction. Ireland today is very different compared to what it was 58 years ago - so why should the PAYE system remain the same?

For the past few years, Revenue has been working on a much needed and well overdue facelift of the Irish PAYE system. The new system, known as PAYE Modernisation will replace existing PAYE processes from 1st January 2019. Many employers are left wondering what the difference is between the two systems, and more importantly, which system is really better?

Key Changes with PAYE Modernisation

With PAYE Modernisation, there will be no P30s every month or quarter and no P35s at the end of the tax year. In fact, all ‘P forms’ will be eliminated.

Instead, submissions will need to be sent to Revenue in real time, detailing employee pay and tax information. These will be known as Payroll Submission Requests (PSR), and will need to be submitted ‘on or before’ the date an employee is paid each pay period. In most cases, this means a file will be submitted either weekly or monthly.

Some employers are worried that this will massively add to an employer’s workload. Realistically however, the payroll process will require much less of an employers time. Payroll software will be integrated with Revenue so that for employers, the file will be automatically prepared and sent directly to Revenue at the click of a button.

The retrieval of tax credits will also be automated, which should ensure that the correct credits are being applied by employers. With payroll software, Revenue integration will enable employers to receive changes to an employees tax credits directly from Revenue and update it in the payroll software at the click of a button. This file will be known as a Revenue Payroll Notification (RPN).

Regardless of how frequently an employer will be required to send submissions to Revenue, the payment date will remain the same. There will be no change to the method that employers currently use to make the Revenue payment.

Find out what else the new system has to offer with Thesaurus Software’s free online PAYE Modernisation webinars.

PAYE Modernisation: Made Easier with Payroll Software

Although employers will still have the option to process their payroll manually, it will be very cumbersome and tedious, with the changes becoming more of a hindrance than beneficial.

Employers are advised to use PAYE Modernisation compliant payroll software so that the entire system will be smooth and integrated. With payroll software, employers will benefit from a reduced workload as a result of PAYE Modernisation, while making the payroll process much easier and streamlined.

Thesaurus Software is the number one payroll software provider in Ireland with two payroll packages to choose from - Thesaurus Payroll Manager and BrightPay.

Book a demo today to see how PAYE Modernisation will affect your business.

Related articles:

Thesaurus Payroll Software | BrightPay Payroll Software

Posted byRachel HynesinPAYE Modernisation

Aug 2018


How will PAYE Modernisation impact on your payroll?

In late 2016, Revenue issued a consultation document outlining their vision for the introduction of Real Time Reporting (RTR) or PAYE Modernisation in Ireland.

This will modernise the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system, and mean that employers will be required to report pay, tax and other deductions, as well as details of employees leaving the organisation, at the same time as they run their payroll.

The new obligations for employers are due to take effect from 1 January, 2019, meaning businesses have a limited amount of time to prepare their payroll systems to be compliant with the new RTR / PAYE Modernisation rules.

Do you use payroll software? If so, there are two methods of reporting payroll in real time:

  • Direct Payroll Reporting - allows your payroll software to communicate seamlessly with Revenue Online System (ROS) and exchange the required information.
  • ROS Payroll Reporting - you can upload files created by your payroll software to ROS.

Payroll software companies have been working with Revenue to ensure that the software will be compatible with Revenue’s requirements. We would advise that you use payroll software, but if you don’t, you will be able to retrieve Revenue Payroll Notifications and complete a form through ROS. This reporting process will eliminate the need to file:

  • P30
  • P35
  • P45
  • P46


You will no longer be obliged to produce a P60 for your employees. Revenue will produce an end of year statement for all employees.

Information you will report to Revenue

You must provide Revenue with payroll information for each employee, including:

  • Payment date
  • Amount of pay 
  • Amount of Income Tax, Universal Social Charge (USC) and Local Property Tax deducted.

Upcoming free online webinars:

PAYE Modernisation for Employers - Understanding and implementing the new legislation

PAYE Modernisation for Payroll Bureaus - Understanding and implementing the new legislation for your clients


Related Articles:

PAYE Modernisation: How successful was it in the UK?
PAYE Modernisation - List of Employees
PAYE Modernisation - The Facts
PAYE Modernisation - Understand how your payroll processing will change


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BrightPay Payroll Software | Thesaurus Payroll Manager

Posted byHolly McHughinPAYE Modernisation