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Feb 2018


PAYE Modernisation - Why it’s the SMART choice.

The current PAYE system is changing. The new system will be known as ‘PAYE Modernisation’. This change will be the biggest to hit PAYE since it was introduced almost 60 years ago. PAYE Modernisation will affect every business across the country. Instead of submitting an annual P35, employers will now have to calculate and report their employee’s pay and deductions as they are being paid.

PAYE Modernisation will no doubt be a huge change for employers but ultimately, employers will see a benefit from the change. Here are some of the key benefits employers can expect to see from PAYE Modernisation


  • Seamless integration into payroll.
  • Minimize employer cost to comply.
  • Abolition of P30s, P45s, P60s and end of year returns.
  • Right tax paid on current due dates.
  • Time savings.


We already have the relevant experience to ensure that PAYE Modernisation will be a seamless process for employers. In our BrightPay UK payroll software, we implemented what’s called RTI or Real Time Information which is a similar concept to PAYE Modernisation. Book a demo today to see what PAYE Modernisation will look like on your payroll software.



Related articles:

PAYE Modernisation - Are you ready?
Revenue moves to PAYE Modernisation/ Real Time Reporting
New Automatic Enrolment pension system to be in place by 2021
The objective of PAYE Modernisation



Thesaurus Payroll Software | BrightPay Payroll Software


Posted byCailin ReillyinPAYEPAYE Modernisation

Jan 2018


How will PAYE Modernisation affect your payroll bureau? Only 10 Places Left!!!

Revenue are joining Thesaurus Software for a series of free, CPD accredited webinars detailing what you need to know about PAYE Modernisation.


How will PAYE Modernisation affect your payroll bureau?

There are just 10 places left for our next webinar which takes place this Thursday! With almost 1,000 accountants and payroll bureaus already registered, this is your last chance to register. 


  • An introduction to PAYE Modernisation including recent changes
  • What direct effect will this have on employers?
  • What direct effect will this have on employees?
  • What are the possible downsides for employers?
  • Revenue’s delivery schedule 
  • The role out of PAYE Modernisation in the UK
  • Processing manually or using payroll software?
  • The letter of engagement
  • How will PAYE Modernisation affect your payroll service
  • Communicating these changes to your clients. 

Don’t miss out - book your place now!!


Payroll Bureaus: Getting Ready for PAYE Modernisation
The next webinar in the series takes place in March where there will be a key focus on what payroll bureaus need to do to prepare for PAYE Modernisation.

Find out more | Register now


Subscribe to our Newsletter
We have lots more webinars scheduled over the coming months. Don’t miss out - make sure to sign up to our newsletter today! You will have the option to unsubscribe at any time.


Thesaurus Payroll Manager | BrightPay Payroll Software


Related Articles: 

Posted byRachel HynesinPAYE ModernisationPayroll Software

Jan 2018


GDPR unravelled! Find out what you need to know to comply

Get ready as more legislation hit Irish and European businesses. The objective of the recent EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is to bring data protection standards up-to-date and to ensure that individuals in the EU are appropriately protected from privacy and data breaches. It comes into effect on 25th May 2018, however this date is a deadline as opposed to a starting point.


Business owners who start looking at GDPR on or after the 25th May will be at serious risk of non-compliance. You will need to act now to understand and prepare for GDPR well in advance of the May deadline. Over the next few months, it would be advisable to set aside some time to focus on being fully compliant by the 25th May 2018.


BrightPay is committed to helping our customers and others understand the impact of GDPR. We have designed free webinars for accountants and employers to take you through the key steps to be GDPR compliant.


Register now for our free webinars which take place over the coming months.



  • What is GDPR and why is it being implemented?
  • Why employers need to take it seriously
  • How it will impact payroll bureaus
  • How to prepare for GDPR
  • How we are working to help you


Employer Webinar: 30th January - Register here
Bureau Webinar (CPD Accredited): 8th March - Register here

Other Free Events

How will PAYE Modernisation affect your business?
The existing PAYE (Pay As You Earn) system was introduced nearly sixty years ago ensuring that correct deductions are made relating to pay and tax. From 1st January 2019, this system for PAYE will undergo a long overdue update called PAYE Modernisation. Under the new legislation, whenever Irish employers pay their employees, a file must be electronically submitted to Revenue containing details of these payments.


  • How will PAYE Modernisation affect your business?
  • Guest Speaker: Sandra Clarke (BCC Accountants)
  • Guest Speaker: Sinead Sweeney (Revenue)

Employer Webinar: 24th January - Register here
Bureau Webinar (CPD Accredited): 25th January - Register here


Thesaurus Payroll Manager | BrightPay Payroll Software.

Posted byKaren BennettinGDPRPAYE Modernisation

Jan 2018


PAYE Modernisation is coming… are you ready?

The Irish PAYE system is currently undergoing a massive overhaul, with new changes being implemented from 1st January 2019. This is called PAYE Modernisation. The existing system was introduced nearly 60 years ago and so this update is long overdue.

With PAYE Modernisation, employers, or bureaus on their behalf, will need to submit an electronic file to Revenue each time an employee has been paid. This real time reporting will enable Revenue to ensure that employees are receiving their correct tax credits and cut off points at all times.

Fortunately for employers and payroll bureaus, this real-time reporting will replace most of the “P” forms (P30, P35, P45, P46 and P60) enabling them to reduce their workload. Most payroll systems will automate many of the new processes, whereby electronic files will be automatically created and sent to Revenue at the click of a button.


How will PAYE Modernisation affect your payroll bureau?

Revenue is joining Thesaurus Software for a series of free, CPD accredited webinars. The webinars are customised to both employers and payroll bureaus for them to find out how they will be affected by PAYE Modernisation.

Our previous PAYE Modernisation webinars were highly sought after with over 2,000 employers and payroll bureaus in attendance. Places are limited - make sure to book your place now to avoid disappointment.

If you are unable to attend the webinars at the specified time, simply register and we will send you the recording afterwards.


Subscribe to our Newsletter

We have lots more webinars scheduled over the coming months. Don’t miss out - make sure to sign up to our newsletter today! You will have the option to unsubscribe at any time.



Thesaurus Payroll Manager | BrightPay Payroll Software


Posted byRachel HynesinPAYE Modernisation

Nov 2017


PAYE Modernisation – What do these changes mean for you?

The existing PAYE (Pay As You Earn) system was introduced nearly sixty years ago ensuring that correct deductions are made relating to pay and tax.

From 1st January 2019, this system for PAYE will undergo a long overdue update, but don’t worry, this update will benefit all involved – including employers and employees.


Employers –

PAYE Modernisation will change how employers report their payroll information to Revenue. Every time an employee is paid a file will need to be submitted (electronically) to Revenue, consisting of all details of employee payments, deductions and leaver information. The contents will be similar to the current annual P35, but this file will be submitted every pay period (weekly, monthly, fortnightly, etc.).

The update will also allow employers to submit a new employee’s information before they commence employment with them. PAYE Modernisation / Real Time Reporting (RTR) will result in a reduction in the occurrence of year end over/underpayments of tax.

This new Revenue reporting system is anticipated to be fully integrated into payroll software. Fortunately, it is envisaged that the workload will not increase as a result of PAYE Modernisation.

Employees –

An online statement will be sent before the start of the new tax year which will detail the employee’s tax credits and standard cut-off point (SRCOP). This will be based on estimated income and details available to Revenue.

Employees will be encouraged to make any adjustments to this online statement, including any claims for additional entitlements. This differs from the current system where an employee is required to wait until the end of the tax year to apply for any refund as a result of overpayment of taxes or to find out if there are amounts due to Revenue as a result of underpayment of taxes.

P60s will be abolished, employees will instead have access to their pay and tax record online, this will be updated on an ongoing basis throughout the year as they are paid. This will enable Revenue to carry out periodic reviews to identify if employees are utilising their tax credits and SRCOP to the maximum effect (e.g. where an employee has 2 employments) and, where applicable, employees will be prompted to reallocate tax credits and SRCOP.


Related articles


Thesaurus Payroll Software | BrightPay Payroll Software

Posted byLorraine McEvoyinPAYE ModernisationPayrollPayroll Software

Nov 2017


2018 and Beyond

With GDPR kicking in next May and PAYE Modernisation going live in January 2019, accountants and other bureau payroll providers will have a lot to contend with.

PAYE Modernisation will involve major process changes for many of your clients (just to ensure that a file is submitted to Revenue on or before the payroll date). Ensuring that payrolls are processed using the most up to date tax credits and cut off point information is also an essential part of the new system.

Because Illness Benefit becomes taxable through the P2C file from January 2018, ensuring that you use the most recent P2Cs will become a must before each and every pay run from as soon as January 2018.

We have been busy making updates to Thesaurus Payroll Manager 2018 to better prepare you for all of the above changes. Here is a quick outline of the software changes that we have made for 2018. These changes are in addition to those which cater for Budget 2018.



Password retrieval is now an automated process which will require a recovery email address for each payroll client.

We have added a bit more file encryption so that you will be better protected if your system is compromised, your laptop is stolen or a memory stick goes missing.

You may be aware that our recent year end upgrade includes a feature whereby backup files can be securely sent to our support staff, should it be required to help with a support query.

Optionally, our cloud add on, Thesaurus Connect, will enable you to backup securely to a secure European Azure server and restore securely from that server to your payroll. Thesaurus Connect will also provide you with the added benefit of giving your clients and their employees direct access to their personal data, ensuring transparency and assisting with Data Subject Requests.


PAYE Modernisation and Illness Benefit Changes

Thesaurus Payroll Manager 2018 gives much more priority to the P2C download process, also keeping a log of all imports and reminding you when P2Cs have not been imported.

To prepare you for the new reality, where payrolls will be required to be processed in real time, we have included a “Late Payrolls” button to help identify those payrolls that are falling behind. This will be particularly useful where you have hundreds of payroll clients.

Knowing that your own processes will probably need to be more streamlined with real time submissions, we have added (and will continue to add) automated client emailing from within the software. Our initial 2018 release will include this for the payroll preview report. It will also include emailing of a single pdf document containing all payslips, the emailing of the P30 and emailing of the payroll summary report. It should be noted that these emails are transmitted securely through our Thesaurus servers and do not require third party software. This is the same system that our payslip emailing currently uses.

Towards the latter half of 2018, Revenue will ask you to submit a list of employees for each employer through ROS. The ability to prepare this file is in our initial 2018 release. The file is required by Revenue for data alignment. Their aim is to have knowledge of the correct employment details for as many employees as possible when PAYE Modernisation goes live.

At Thesaurus Software we plan to help you with PAYE Modernisation as much as we can. We have already been through these changes in the UK and can use this experience to help address issues before they arise.

We will bring you further updates throughout 2018, in many cases via free webinars (which will also help with your structured CPD requirements). Register for our next free webinars here.

We will begin testing the new real time systems with Revenue from April 2018 and we’ll keep you appraised of our progress.

Finally, we have included a few more importers should any of your clients (or colleagues) choose to move from other payroll software.



Related articles

Posted byPaul ByrneinNew FeaturesPAYE ModernisationPayroll

Nov 2017


PAYE Modernisation - Are You Ready For January 2019?

Revenue has released an information leaflet titled “PAYE Modernisation – Are You Ready?”. This kick-starts their awareness campaign for businesses to get ready for payroll changes called PAYE Modernisation or Real Time Reporting (RTR). Revenue outlines the steps that all employers need to take in order to ensure that their current records and obligations are up-to-date and correct.

PAYE Modernisation will change how employers report payroll information for their employees to Revenue. A file will need to be submitted (electronically) to Revenue, containing all details of employee payments. The contents are similar to the annual P35, however, this file will be submitted every pay period (weekly, monthly, fortnightly, etc.).

If you are an employer who uses payroll software, then the work involved to comply with PAYE Modernisation will be minimal. However, for smaller employers who do not use payroll software, the process of complying with PAYE Modernisation will be time-consuming and stressful. Currently, these employers make one manual submission to Revenue through their annual P35. With PAYE Modernisation, these employers will be required to make an employer submission to Revenue each pay period in real time. The employer submission will contain details comparable to what currently appears on an employer’s P35 return.

With PAYE Modernisation in mind, Revenue has contacted nearly 400 employers regarding their P35L returns for 2016. These returns contained employees who were never previously registered as working with the employer. This communication reminds those employers of their obligation to comply with PAYE regulations and requests those employers to submit a P46 for the non linked employees currently in their employment, the commencement date should be input as 1st January 2017 for employees that commenced employment before the current tax year. This action will then result in a new P2C (tax credit certificate) being issued for these employees.

Related articles:

Thesaurus Payroll Software / BrightPay Payroll Software

Posted byLorraine McEvoyinPAYEPAYE ModernisationPayroll

Oct 2017


Thesaurus Payroll Manager - Customer Survey - The Results are in!

Opinions and feedback from our customers matter to us. We love to hear comments and suggestions from users in order to improve the customer experience. Last month we conducted a customer survey to get an insight into what customers think about Thesaurus Payroll Manager and find out what new features our customers want.

The survey also looked at customer satisfaction rates, software performance and customer support. We were delighted to discover that Thesaurus Payroll Manager has a 99.6% customer satisfaction rate. Customers are also highly satisfied with our customer support team, with a satisfaction rate of 99.5%. Many customers agree that BrightPay saves them time (99.4%) and offers good value for money (99.6%).

Surprisingly, 43% of customers were not aware that Thesaurus Payroll Manager includes integration with One4all. This new feature was added last year and enables employers to seamlessly purchase One4all gift cards for employees.

The survey also looked at awareness of PAYE Modernisation. Nine out of ten accountants, bookkeepers and payroll bureaus said that they were aware of this new PAYE system, which will be effective from 1st January 2019. Meanwhile, one in five employers were unaware of this upcoming change. Thesaurus recently hosted a number of free PAYE Modernisation webinars, with a guest speaker from Revenue. The webinars incorporated everything you need to know about PAYE Modernisation. Watch the PAYE Modernisation training session on demand.

Customer Testimonials

We also received a number of customer testimonials from the survey - all of which will be added to the Thesaurus website in due course. Some of our favourite testimonials received include:

  • "We have used Thesaurus for our payroll since 2001. Over the last 17 years our general accounting software has been changed 3 times but we have never found a better payroll system or had a reason for wanting to change..."
  • "I found the support I was given by Thesaurus to be of the highest quality, with the empathy shown by Thesaurus employees to be extraordinary."
  • "I have used Thesaurus Payroll in a number of companies and I found it much easier to use than any other payroll software I have encountered. It has always provided updates and changes required quickly without fuss. The newest addition, Thesaurus Connect has made life easy for me. Payslips automatically sent out to employees and the facility for them to view and print payslips as required has freed up a lot of management time for other duties."
  • "The support staff are brilliant, they answer questions in everyday language and are committed to staying with you until you have a total understanding of the query."
  • "Thesaurus Payroll Manager is the most cost effective change we have made to our business. From the standard paying wages to being able to email payslips, work out holiday entitlement and much more, this software package is worth its weight in gold. Saving us time and money. I wouldn't be without it."

Prize Winners

As a thank you for taking part in the survey, we are giving away four €50 One4all vouchers. We are delighted to announce that the winners are:

  • John Ganly - Blanchardstown Amalgamated Sports Ltd
  • Geraldine Grennan - PJ Grennan Ltd
  • Elaine Donnelly - Irish Theatre Institute
  • Eugene O'Donovan - SME Finance

The Thesaurus team will be in contact with the winners shortly.

We appreciate all the feedback received from this year’s survey and would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who took part.

Useful Links

Posted byRachel HynesinCustomer UpdatePAYE ModernisationPayroll Software

Oct 2017


Are you ready for PAYE Modernisation?

To raise awareness about forthcoming PAYE Modernisation in 2019, Revenue has commenced its awareness campaign by releasing an information leaflet “PAYE Modernisation – Are You Ready”. 
This leaflet highlights the vital steps for new and existing employers to undertake in advance of 1st January 2019, in order to succeed in the imminent taxation system revolution.

The key idea behind PAYE Modernisation is that all communication between employer and Revenue will happen in “real time”. In order to effectively overcome the upcoming challenges, employers are being encouraged to focus on the quality and accuracy of the data they provide to Revenue.

In preparation for PAYE Modernisation, employers are advised to follow several easy steps to guarantee its overall success when it does come into effect in 2019:

  • Register as an employer (for new employers)
  • Verify the PPSN provided by employees (e.g. check it against a Public Services Card, P45 or other Revenue or DSP correspondence) and where the employee does not hold a PPSN, they should contact the DSP to apply for one.
  • Register all employees with Revenue (i.e. P45(3) or P46 where the employee has no P45). Where the new employee has not worked in Ireland before, the employee must register the employment online using the Jobs and Pension service available in myAccount. The Jobs and Pension service can also be used by employees who are changing from one employment to another. Once the employment has been registered, Revenue will issue a tax credit certificate.
  • Issue a P45 when an employee ceases employment and submit it to Revenue.
  • Ensure an up-to-date tax credit certificate has been received for each employee. The leaflet outlines the basis of tax which should be applied on the first payday of a new tax year in the event that an up-to-date tax credit certificate for that year is not received.
  • Ensure a complete PAYE, PRSI and USC record for each employee is held at the end of the tax year.


At Thesaurus Software & BrightPay, we have always strived to deliver excellence in customer service and professional expertise in both Irish and UK payroll. We widely welcome the upcoming PAYE changes. As Paul Byrne, director of Thesaurus Software Ltd, stated during the Revenue's public consultation process held in December 2016:

“Whatever system is adopted, it is important that it represents a step forward for all parties. We are already committed to not charging our customers for the additional development involved. In addition, we are considering making a free version of our software available for micro employers, those with one or two employees.”

Related articles

BrightPay Payroll Software | Thesaurus Payroll Software

Posted byAlena AmelyanchukinEmployment UpdateNew FeaturesPAYE Modernisation

Jul 2017


Revenue moves to PAYE Modernisation / Real Time Reporting

Following the announcement in last October’s Budget 2016, Revenue entered a consultation on the modernisation of the PAYE system.

Revenue’s proposal is that employers will report pay, tax and other deductions at the same time as they process and finalise their payroll. Similar to Real Time Information (RTI) in the UK, details of employees starting or leaving employment will be reported on the date of commencement/cessation and will eliminate the filing of P30, P35 and P45 forms.

Although, many businesses across Ireland have broadly welcomed the forthcoming introduction, some smaller businesses have expressed concern about the additional administrative burden due to poor internet access and the additional hours it may involve. Many businesses will be a risk as they have not invested in payroll software where they calculate their payroll manually.

Last April Revenue disclosed that it received 77 submissions to the consultation which represented a broad range of interests, both from large and small companies. For larger employers, the transition will be relatively straightforward, but Revenue is looking at alternatives to accommodate smaller employers, in particular, those who may still process their payroll manually.

IBEC state that while most of its members welcome the change, it is important that the system is flexible. A professional services group also warned that the work involved for employers to prepare for the implementation of PAYE modernisation / Real Time Reporting (RTR) should not be underestimated.

Thesaurus Software / BrightPay Ireland already has the experience and expertise in developing the same real time features and functions for our UK customers. We are already collaborating with Revenue to ensure the transition for our customers to Real Time Reporting (RTR) / PAYE modernisation is smooth, user-friendly and ready for implementation in January 2019.

For further information, Revenue have provided the following link:


Interested in finding out more about PAYE Modernisation? Register now for our free PAYE Modernisation webinar. Click here to find out more.

Posted byLorraine McEvoyinNew FeaturesPAYE ModernisationPayroll Software