BIK Annual Payments



PAYE, USC & PRSI must be operated by employers in respect of the taxable value of most benefits in kind and other non-cash benefits provided by them to their employees.  The amount to be taken into account is referred to as "notional pay".

Where an employer provides a small non-cash benefit (that is a benefit not exceeding €250) PAYE, USC & PRSI need not be applied to that benefit.  No more than one such benefit given to an employee in a tax year will qualify for such treatment.  Where a benefit exceeds €250 in value the full value of the benefit is subjected to PAYE, USC & PRSI.


Medical Insurance

In the case of medical insurance premiums, the cost to the employer is based on the Gross invoiced premium before TRS (Tax Relief at Source).  The employer refunds the TRS to Revenue.


Where accommodation is owned and provided by the employer for use by an employee, the value of the taxable benefit is subject to PAYE, USC & PRSI.

Employer provided on site Crèche/Childcare facilities

Previously, where an employer provided day care facilities for employees on premises, this benefit carried a Benefit in Kind exemption.  Budget 2011 abolished this exemption.
Employers now have to record the cost of this benefit, by relevant employee, within their payroll in order to deduct tax, USC and PRSI from the employees pay. 
Employers can use the Annual facility to enter the start date and value of this benefit.

Professional Subscriptions paid by Employer on behalf of an employee

Previously, where an employer paid professional subscriptions on behalf of an employee, this benefit carried a Benefit in Kind exemption.  Budget 2011 abolished this exemption.
Employers now have to record any professional subscription payments made on behalf of an employee as a benefit. 
Employers can use the Annual facility to enter the start date and value of this benefit.


In the case of subscriptions paid on behalf of an employee, it is the expense incurred by the employer less any reimbursement by the employee that is taken into account for PAYE, USC & PRSI purposes.

Sports Facilities

Where sports facilities are made available on the employers premises for the use of employees generally, a taxable benefit does NOT arise.  The facility must be available to ALL employees.

Employee required to live on premises

A taxable benefit will NOT arise where an employee (not director) is required by terms of his or her employment to live in accommodation provided by the employer in part of the employers business premises so that the employee can properly perform his or her duties, i.e. night care staff, governors, chaplains in prisons, caretakers etc.


To access this utility go to Employees > Update employee benefits > Select "Annual"

This section should be used for annual payments such as medical insurance, accommodation, sports memberships etc. paid by the employer on behalf of the employee.

Ø   Enter Description of Annual benefit i.e. Medical insurance (VHI), accommodation

Ø   Enter Cost (this year) to Employer

Input the annual cost of benefit. If the benefit is only for part of the tax year, input the annual cost of the benefit and the start and end dates will make the appropriate adjustments

Ø   Enter Employee Contribution if any

Ø   If annual payment is for medical insurance - tick the box provided to indicate this.

Ø   Enter Start Date and End Date

If the benefit continues to the end of the tax year, it is not necessary to enter an end date.

Ø   Click Update file & show calculation of Notional Pay

The Notional Pay will be added to the employee's Gross Income each pay period to ensure that the correct PAYE, USC and PRSI are charged.


*Please note: The original annual payment should NOT be removed. Simply enter the end date of the original payment and start the new payment in the section provided.

Ø   Enter Description of the new annual benefit i.e. Medical insurance (VHI), accommodation

Ø   Enter Cost (this year) to Employer

Input the annual cost of the benefit. If the benefit is only for part of the tax year, input the annual cost of the benefit and the start and end dates will make the appropriate adjustments

Ø   Enter Employee Contribution if any

Ø   If annual payment is for medical insurance - tick the box provided to indicate this.

Ø   Enter Start Date and End Date

If the benefit continues to the end of the tax year, it is not necessary to enter an end date.

Ø   Click Update file & show calculation of Notional Pay

The Notional Pay will be added to the employee's Gross Income each pay period to ensure that the correct PAYE, USC and PRSI are charged.


An employer may make contributions on behalf of an employee to a PRSA. The employers contributions will be treated as a Benefit in Kind in the employees hands. However the employee will be entitled to income tax relief (subject to the overall age related limit) in respect of such contributions.

In practice this means that a Benefit in Kind charge will only rise where the combined contribution (employer and employees) exceeds the age related exemption (shown below). This is unlikely to occur in most cases.

Where the combined contribution (employer and employees) exceeds the age related exemption it is subject to Benefit in Kind but it is not dealt with through the PAYE system. Employers will be required on request by the Revenue Commissioners to return particulars of PRSA contributions on behalf of employees on the form P11 D. In addition employees will also be obliged to make a return of such contributions on their own individual returns of income (Form 12).


Age during tax year
Tax Relief Limit
Under 30
15% of Net Relevant Earnings
30 – 39
20% of Net Relevant Earnings
40 – 49
25% of Net Relevant Earnings
50 – 54
30% of Net Relevant Earnings
55 – 59
35% of Net Relevant Earnings
60 and over
40% of Net Relevant Earnings

Employer contributions to PRSA's are subject to the Universal Social Charge payable by the employee.

Need help? Support is available at 01 8352074 or

Backup and RestoreBenefit in kindCompanyCSOEmployeesFeature PayrollGeneralGetting startedGlossary of TermsHolidaysIllness BenefitImporting from previous yearLeave EntitlementsLegalMaternity BenefitNotifying ROS of new employeesP30P45Payroll DeductionsPensionsProcessing PayrollReportsReverse UpdateYear end