Payments File

The Payments file of Feature Payroll allows the user to set up customised narratives for the various payment/addition headings required to fulfill their payroll needs.

The Payment headers entered here will be used across all employees files.  These headers will in turn print onto the payslip to give the employee the appropriate breakdown of pay.


To access this utility go to Employees > Feature Payroll > Payment/Deduction Setup >

Ø         Click Edit Payments File
Ø         Select Taxable Pay 1
Ø         Rename Taxable Pay 1 to description required e.g. Night Rate, Premium Rate etc.
Ø         Click Update to save the change to the header
Ø         Repeat this step for all taxable pay & non taxable pay types
Ø         If the user will be paying by the hour then the default hourly rate headers which are             already setup should be used.  Any additional hourly rates not already catered for can be             setup using one of the default Taxable Pay headers by simply renaming it to suit.

The Payments from Taxable Pay 1 to Double Time are all TAXABLE PAY fields and will all be subject to PAYE, Universal Social Charge and PRSI as appropriate.
There are 4 NON TAXABLE pay fields available to customise they are for payment fields which should not be subjected to PAYE, Universal Social Charge and PRSI, these fields will create an addition to the NET pay of the employee.


The user can revisit this menu at any time to amend the headers as appropriate.

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Backup and RestoreBenefit in kindCompanyCSOEmployeesFeature PayrollGeneralGetting startedGlossary of TermsHolidaysIllness BenefitImporting from previous yearLeave EntitlementsLegalMaternity BenefitNotifying ROS of new employeesP30P45Payroll DeductionsPensionsProcessing PayrollReportsReverse UpdateYear end