Children & Young Persons


While the employment of children under 16 is generally prohibited by
the Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Act, 1996, a child over
14 years may be permitted to do light work during school holidays
provided it is not harmful to health, development or schooling or may be
employed as part of an approved work experience or education
programme. A child over 15 may also do such work for up to 8 hours a
week during school term. Any child under 16 may be employed in film,
theatre, sports or advertising activities under licence.

An employer wishing to employ anyone under 18 must first require the
production of their birth certificate. Before employing a child under 16
the employer must also get written permission from the parents or

The Act further provides for the setting of limits to the working hours of
young people, provides for rest intervals and prohibits night work.
As regards working hours, young people may not work for more than 8
hours in any day or 40 hours in any week.

Employers who employ young people under 18 years of age must
display a summary of the Act and also give a summary of the Act to the

Proceedings for breach of the provisions of the Act may be taken by the
Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment or by the employee’s
parent or guardian within 12 months of the alleged breach. Young
people and parents may also refer certain breaches of the Act to the
Rights Commissioner.

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