Sample Letter of Appointment

The sample letter of appointment is intended for guidance only. Thesaurus Software accepts no responsibility for any loss arising from its use.

It is advisable to use this letter in conjunction with a company handbook. Appropriate legal/professional advice should be sought.



Employee         (name & address)
Employers        (name & address), (hereinafter called 'the company)


You will be employed primarily as (category) .......... Your employment
with the company will commence on the ... day of ... 20..

You will be required to be flexible in this position and must be
prepared to undertake such other duties as may be assigned to you
by the company from time to time.  Such duties can be outside the
area of your normal work and may be for such subsidiary companies
as the company may require.


Your normal working hours will be from ... to ... Monday to
Friday/Saturday (break times may be specified here).  The company
reserves the right to alter these working hours from time to time. 
You will from time to time be required to work overtime depending
on the requirements of your work and at the discretion of
management.  Where possible you will be notified in advance. 
(Add flexible working time if appropriate).


Your rate of pay will be ..... gross (other elements of pay should be
stated, eg bonus, shift allowance if applicable).

You will be paid weekly/monthly in arrears.  You will be paid by
cheques/credit transfer/cash.  This method of payment may be
changed at the company's discretion.

Payment for overtime will be .... per ...  Payment for overtime will
be made after completion of your normal weekly/daily working hours
(delete as appropriate).

Your next pay review will be due on ..

Place of Work

You will normally/mainly be required to work at the employer's
premises at (employer's address), but you may be required, from
time to time, to work at the employers other place of business
or/and the premises of such subsidiary companies or organisations
as the employer may require.

You will be given as much notice of any such change of place of
work as is reasonably practicable.

(If the work is not carried out at the employer's premises, this
should be stated and  the following wording should be used:

You will be required to travel in the course of your work within
the .... area.  You will be required to report to .... at the
employer's premises of ....


A copy of the company handbook is enclosed which you
should study carefully. This covers other issues such as probation
period, annual leave, sick pay, lay-off and/or short-time, search,
grievance procedure, termination/dismissal and confidentiality.

An additional copy of this appointment letter should be included
to be signed and returned by the employee for your files.

I have read this appointment letter and accompanying company handbook
and understand and agree to the terms and conditions outlined therein.

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Backup and RestoreBenefit in kindCompanyCSOEmployeesFeature PayrollGeneralGetting startedGlossary of TermsHolidaysIllness BenefitImporting from previous yearLeave EntitlementsLegalMaternity BenefitNotifying ROS of new employeesP30P45Payroll DeductionsPensionsProcessing PayrollReportsReverse UpdateYear end