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P30 Payments Record - Feature


This utility facilitates the recording of P30 payments made to the Revenue Commissioners. It is important to ensure that 90% of your P30 liability is paid by the 14th of January 2016.

This feature merely records a list of the payments made to Revenue in order to track compliance and outstanding liabilities within Thesaurus Payroll Manger and does not form part of any Revenue / ROS return created within Thesaurus Payroll Manager.


Reduced Frequency of Filing Tax Returns and Payments

Reductions in the filing and payment frequencies for VAT, PAYE/PRSI and RCT by smaller businesses have been extended to eligible customers from 1 January, 2014.

  • Businesses making total annual VAT payments of less than €3,000 are eligible to file VAT returns and make payments on a 6 monthly basis;
  • Businesses making total annual VAT payments of between €3,000 and €14,400 are eligible to file VAT returns and make payments on a 4 monthly basis;
  • Businesses making total annual PAYE/PRSI payments of up to €28,800 are eligible to make payments on a 3 monthly basis;
  • Businesses making total annual RCT payments of up to €28,800 are eligible to file RCT returns and make payments on a 3 monthly basis.

What are the benefits to eligible businesses?

The benefits are two-fold:

  • Improved cashflow by only having to make payments at the end of each 3, 4 or 6 monthly period, as appropriate.

  • Reduced costs of administration through less frequent filing of tax returns



Form P30 is a monthly or quarterly return of PAYE, USC, Parking Levy, Local Property Tax & PRSI to the Revenue Commissioners.

The P30 is the total of:

  • the tax deducted from the pay (PAYE, USC, LPT) of all employees less any tax refunded to them
  • plus
  • the total PRSI contributions (the amount deducted from pay plus the amount payable by the employer)

and should be remitted to the Collector General within 14 days from the end of the income tax month during which the deductions were made.

With effect from 1 January 2009, for employers who file their returns and associated tax payments via ROS, the existing time limits have been extended to the 23rd of the month immediately following the income tax month during which the deductions were made.

Where a return and associated payment are not made electronically by the new extended deadlines, the extended time limits will be disregarded so that, for example, any interest imposed for late payment will run from the former due dates and not the extended dates.


This utility facilitates the recording of P30 payments made to the Revenue Commissioners. It is important to ensure that 90% of your P30 liability is paid by the 14th of January 2016.

This feature merely records a list of the payments made to Revenue in order to track compliance and outstanding liabilities within Thesaurus Payroll Manger and does not form part of any Revenue / ROS return created within Thesaurus Payroll Manager.

To access the Payment Record go to Reports > P30 details > P30 Payments Record

  • Select P30 Payments Record

  • Enter amount paid

  • Click Update

The payment record can be updated at any time.

Need help? Support is available at 01 8352074 or

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