This utility facilitates the submission of a multiple P46s for new employees at the one time, who do not have a P45 from their previous employment, through ROS. Each new employee must be entered in the Add/Amend Employees section before proceeding
Important Notes
New Employees
On 9th July 2009, ROS made a P46 employee form available. Using this form employer's (and their agents) can notify Revenue of a new employee's commencement where there is no P45 supplied from the previous employer.
Set up each new employee within the Add/Amend Employee menu.
In order to submit a P46 to ROS for a new employee at least 2 lines of address must be completed within their Personal Details.
Go to ROS > P46 and P45 (Part 3) > P46 Batch file
All new employees who fulfill the minimum P46 requirements will be listed. Each employee's start date is denoted in brackets after the name, this should help identify those employees required for submission.
Ø Select the Employee's name
Ø Click Add, then repeat this process to add each required employee to the "Include in ROS P46" file for submission
Ø Click Prepare File
Ø Indicate the name in which you would like to save the file
Ø Click Save
Ø The P46 file is now ready to be uploaded to ROS
Ø Under My Services - Select Upload Forms Completed Offline
Ø Select New employee
Ø Select the saved file - normally employee's PPS number.p453
Ø Click Add File(s)
Ø Enter password
Ø Click Upload File(s)
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