Ø Choose a scheme reference number from the drop down menu or type in new reference number
Scheme reference is contained in policy documents and is usually no greater than 10 characters in length.
Ø Enter amount for employee's contribution in the box provided
Ø Enter amount for employer's contribution in the box provided
Ø Indicate the Pension type by ticking the appropriate box
RBS: Retirement Benefit Scheme
PRSA: Personal Retirement Savings Account
RAC: Retirement Annuity Contract
Ø The total amount entered will be deducted from the employees weekly, fortnightly or monthly gross pay as appropriate.
* Please Note: A scheme number must be entered otherwise the report will not copy to disk. There is no facility to allocate scheme numbers to already updated payroll.
Ø Choose a scheme reference/name/number from the drop down menu or type in new reference/name/number
Scheme reference is contained in policy documents and is usually no greater than 10 characters in length.
Ø Enter employee's percentage of gross salary to be deducted in the box provided
Ø Enter employer's percentage of gross salary to be deducted in the box provided
Ø Tick the percentage tick box - this indicates that amounts entered are percentages
Ø Indicate the Pension type by ticking the appropriate box :
RBS: Retirement Benefit Scheme
PRSA: Personal Retirement Savings Account
RAC: Retirement Annuity Contract
Ø The percentages entered will be applied to the employees weekly, fortnightly or monthly gross pay as appropriate.
Ø Click Additional
Ø Under the section Other scheme, choose a scheme reference from the drop down menu or type in new reference/name/number
A scheme number must be entered for the secondary contributions otherwise the pension report will not copy to disk. There is no facility to allocate scheme numbers to already updated payroll.Scheme reference is contained in policy documents and is usually no greater than 10 characters in length.
Ø Enter pension amount under Ordinary or AVC
Please note that the percentage basis of pension deduction will no longer work for this employee if amounts are input in this section.
Ø Click Update to save second pension scheme
This refers to RBS/PRSA/RAC contributions made to a 2nd scheme in addition to the main scheme. The employee and employer (if applicable) contributions are entered as the weekly, fortnightly or monthly contribution amounts. The employee amount entered is deducted from their weekly, fortnightly or monthly gross pay as appropriate.
This refers to any Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC) made by the employee to a Pension scheme.
An AVC is any Additional Voluntary Contributions made by the employee to a Pension scheme. As a result of the Pensions Act (Amendment) 2002, you will be required to facilitate an employee wishing to make an additional voluntary contribution (AVC) to their pension.
Ø Enter AVC amount
Ø Click Update
Ø Remember to zeroise the AVC amount in the next pay period
Building firms are legally required under the Registered Employment Agreement (Construction Industry Pensions Assurance & Sick Pay) to register all qualifying employees in a compliant pension scheme.
CWPS provides a pension, sick pay and a death-in-service benefit in line with legal requirements. The death-in-service payment applies whether the death occurs at the workplace or outside working hours.
From May 2013 the collection of both the Construction Industry Monitoring Agency (“CIMA”) and Electrical Pensions and Conditions of Employment (“EPACE”) deductions are suspended by CWPS so it does not form part of the 2015 deduction.
Further information can be found on www.cwps.ie
NECI provides a pension, life assurance and income protection in line with legal requirements. A Short-term Accident Payment is also covered in the NECI pension plan.
More information can be found at www.neci.ie
Need help? Support is available at 01 8352074 or thesauruspayrollsupport@brightsg.com.