To access this utility go to Payslips > Print/ Email Payslips
Ø Click the down arrow and choose the payslip type you wish to use
2 per page high resolution
This is the most popular payslip type. This colour payslip prints onto blank A4 paper or to preprinted laser payslips supplied by Thesaurus Software.
Email payslips
This feature allows the easy email of payslips to employees seamlessly directly from the payroll to the employee.
This email facility does not use your own Email account to send these payslips, they are sent directly via the Thesaurus server, without the requirement for the sender to access their email account.
Therefore a list of emailed payslips is not created, for this reason the employer should add their email address to their company details to whom a copy of each emailed payslip will be sent.
To set up this carbon copy (cc) email address go to
File> Amend Company Details>
Enter the email address, this can be amended at any time.
To set up the email address of an employee to which the payslip will be emailed go to
Employees> Add/Amend Employees>
Select the employee
Enter the email address to which the employees payslip will be emailed.
Enter a password agreed with the employee in order to secure the payslip upon delivery.
2 per page low resolution
This black & white payslip prints onto blank A4 paper or to preprinted laser payslips supplied by Thesaurus Software.
Cheque & Payslip
This requires out-sourced Pre-Printed Stationery and prints a cheque at the top of the page and the payslip at the bottom. Please contact Thesaurus for more detail on this stationery
Payslip & Cheque
This requires out-sourced Pre-Printed Stationery and prints a cheque at the bottom of the page and a payslip at the top. Please contact Thesaurus for more detail on this stationery
Print to HTML file
This utility exports payslips to a html file which you can email as a total file (htmlpayslips.html) or to each individual employee (employee's name.html). The email recipient may print the payslip using their internet browser.
Laser Security Payslip
This requires Pre-Printed Stationery and prints a payslip which converts into a sealed window envelope, showing the employee's name and address in the window. These payslips are provided by Thesaurus Software, please check our website for more details -
Ø If you would like to print payslips by department - click the down arrow to select relevant department
Ø Click Select All
Ø Click Print
If you wish to print payslip history for an employee:
Ø Select payslip type - you can chose either 2 per page high resolution or 2 per page low resolution
Ø Highlight Employee name
Ø Click Print Employee History
Ø Enter the period number you want to start printing from
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