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The CSO section must be completed if you would like the software to compile CSO statistics for the EHECS (Earnings, hours & employment costs survey) which can now be uploaded online to the Central Statistics Office from the payroll software. 

If selected to complete these surveys, you are obliged by law to fully complete and return these forms to the Central Satistics Office. Further information can be found at


To access this utility go to Process ICON no. 1 OR Employees > Add/Amend Employee details > CSO tab



The Earnings, Hours and Employment Costs Survey enables the Central Statistics Office to compile regular and timely labour cost indicies for the purpose of monitoring change in labour costs in Ireland and across the European Union.

Each employee will need to be categorised into one of the following three occupational groups: 

  • Managers, Administrators, Professionals & Associate Professionals

Example: Legislators and senior officials, corporate managers, managers of small enterprises


  • Clerical, Sales & Service Workers

Example: Clerks, office workers, service & sales workers


  • Production, Transport Workers, Craft & Tradespersons and Other Manual

Example: Plant & machine operators & assemblers, skilled craft & trade workers and other manual occupations 


Select Employee's status:

  • Full-time
  • Part-time
  • Apprentice/Trainee

For an employee NOT paid an hourly rate, you will need to enter the following information:

Number of hours normally worked per week (excluding overtime) in box provided
If employee's pay is less than or equal to the National Minimum Wage - tick the box provided
If the employee is to be excluded from the CSO returns - tick the box provided. For example, if the employee is only being paid a pension by you and is not in receipt of any salary OR the employee is a CES worker.





The National Employment Survey is a major workplace and earnings survey conducted by the Central Statistics Office.  The survey provides more detailed comparisons than previously available of the factors that influence employees’ earnings.
The National Employment Survey is being conducted annually, to provide comparable annual results.
Each employee will need to be categorised into one of the following three occupational groups: 


  • Managers, Administrators, Professionals & Associate Professionals

Example: Legislators and senior officials, corporate managers, managers of small enterprises

  • Clerical, Sales & Service Workers

Example: Clerks, office workers, service & sales workers

  • Production, Transport Workers, Craft & Tradespersons and Other Manual

Example: Plant & machine operators & assemblers, skilled craft & trade workers and other manual occupations


Select Employee's status: 

  • Full-time
  • Part-time
  • Apprentice/Trainee


For an employee NOT paid an hourly rate, you will need to enter the following information: 

  • Number of hours normally worked per week (excluding overtime) in box provided
  • If employee's pay is less than or equal to the National Minimum Wage - tick the box provided
  • If the employee is to be excluded from the CSO returns - tick the box provided. For example, if the employee is only being paid a pension by you and is not in receipt of any salary OR the employee is a CES worker.

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GeneralGlossary of TermsPayroll DeductionsGetting startedImporting from previous yearCompanyAdd/ Amend EmployeesNotifying ROS of new employeesProcessing PayrollBank FilesReportsP30sProcessing LeaversBenefit in KindIllness BenefitMaternity BenefitPaternity BenefitPensionsReversing the PayrollBackup and RestoreYear endCSOHolidaysLeave EntitlementsLegalFeature PayrollTransferring Payroll Manager from one PC to another