Feature Payslip

The Feature Payroll offers a specific Feature Payslip which shows the complete breakdown of payment and deductions by the default headers set up giving the Employee a comprehensive breakdown of their pay for the pay period.  This payslip is only available to Feature Payroll users and can only be printed from the Feature Payroll menu.
To access this utility go to Employees > Feature Payroll > Print Payslips >
  • The last pay period will be shown, this can be changed to any historical pay period by simply clicking on the drop down arrow and choosing the appropriate pay period.
  • Select the Payslip Type from the drop down list.
  • Click "Select All" to print a payslip for ALL Employees or simply click on each individual employee that you wish to print a payslip for excluding those you do not require a payslip for.
  • Click Print
Example of Feature Payslip:

Need help? Support is available at 01 8352074 or thesauruspayrollsupport@brightsg.com.

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