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Paying Employees with a Non-Irish Bank Account - SEPA

If you will be paying employees using a SEPA bank file and wish to enter the BIC and IBAN details in respect of a non-Irish bank account, this can be done as follows:


Go to Process Icon No. 1 or Employees > Add/Amend Employees


  • Select the Employee

  • Choose Cash as the payment type

  • Update the employee record


  • Next, go to Employees > Enter BIC and IBAN

  • Select the employee and enter their BIC and IBAN details

  • Click Update 

  •  When you next enter the employee record, their Pay Method will now be set to Credit Transfer. 

  • Bank accounts for which a BIC & IBAN have been entered will display a sort code of '000000' and an account number of '00000000'. No further action is required by the user - the BIC and IBAN entered will be automatically detected when a SEPA bank file is prepared in the software.





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