Correction PSRs

Corrections must always be dealt with on the basis of 'follow the money'.

This means that if an employee has been underpaid in a previous pay period, the correction of the underpayment should be made in the next payroll run you perform.

Likewise, if an employee has been overpaid in a previous pay period, the correction to recoup this overpayment should be made in the next payroll run you perform.

Where an employee, however, has physically received a payment amount in a particular pay period which differs to the amount shown in the payroll and the associated PSR has already been submitted, this will require a 'correction submission' to be made to Revenue in order to rectify the error. 

This correction submission is known as a Correction PSR.

Other correction types which may also give rise to a correction submission being required include:

  • where an employee has been included in a payroll submission to Revenue with an incorrect PPS number

  • where an employee has been allocated the wrong PRSI class and for whom a payroll submission has been made to Revenue

  • where you have not been told of an employee leaving and incorrect pay has been included in a payroll submission to Revenue for them

A dedicated 'Corrections' utility is available 2019 Thesaurus Payroll Manager in order to facilitate a variety of corrections that may be needed to your payroll.

After making a correction, where the software detects that a correction submission is required, a Correction PSR will automatically be created for you, which you will be prompted to submit. 

Comprehensive guidance on making corrections can be accessed here






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