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Payslip Workings

A detailed payslip working/calculation is available for every payslip.
This feature provides a detailed explanatory step by step guide to the calculations behind the PAYE, USC and PRSI deductions made on each employee payslip.
If required, the workings can be printed/emailed to an employee to explain their payslip in detail.

To view Workings before updating the pay period, go to Process Icon No. 3 or go to Payslips> Weekly/Monthly/Fortnightly Input:
Enter the employee's pay information, followed by Update File. 

This will provide you with a payslip preview. 
Click "View PAYE, USC and PRSI workings" to display the workings/calculations behind the payslip you are previewing:

 The Workings will now be displayed on screen. Press Print, if required.

Viewing Historical Workings

Once payslips are finalised, a Working for any historical payslip can be printed or emailed by going to Payslips > Print/Email PAYE, USC and PRSI Workings
Select the pay period which you wish to print/email the workings for and select the relevant employees.
Choose Print or Email, as required
To batch print historical workings for an employee:

  • Select Print from the drop down menu

  • Highlight the employee's name

  • Click Employee History

  • Indicate the period you wish to print from and click OK - workings will then print from the period indicated to the most recent period processed

Need help? Support is available at 01 8352074 or

Help2019 Thesaurus Payroll Manager - System Requirements2019 Budget - Employer SummaryPayroll CalendarPayroll DeductionsGetting startedImporting from previous yearImporting from other Payroll SoftwareMigrating to Thesaurus Payroll Manager Mid Tax-YearCompany SetupDigital CertificatesAdd/ Amend EmployeesRevenue Payroll Notifications (RPNs)Processing PayrollPayroll Submission Requests (PSRs)Distributing PayslipsPaying EmployeesCorrectionsRevenue PaymentsReportsProcessing StartersProcessing LeaversBenefit in KindIllness BenefitMaternity BenefitPaternity BenefitPensionsChanging an Employee's Pay FrequencyYear End - 2019Backup and RestoreCSOHolidaysLeave EntitlementsEmployment LawGeneralGlossary of Terms (Pre 2019)Revenue - Contact Telephone NumbersTransferring Payroll Manager from one PC to anotherThesaurus ConnectGDPREnd User Licence Agreement for Thesaurus Payroll Manager