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Cessation of TWSS - changing PRSI classes back to a normal class

Any employees on the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS) as at 31st August will currently be placed on PRSI Class J9. This PRSI class has been used by Revenue to identify employees being paid under the TWSS scheme.

With the cessation of TWSS on 31st August 2020, payroll submissions with a pay date after 31st August which include a J9 PRSI Class will be rejected by Revenue. Such employees must therefore be reverted back to their normal PRSI Class from 1st September 2020.

To assist users in quickly and seamlessly changing all J9 PRSI classes back to a normal class, a utility is available within Thesaurus Payroll Manager by going to Utilities > Change all J9 PRSI classes to a normal class:




This routine will revert all employees on the chosen pay frequency with a J9 PRSI Class to a normal class (e.g. A1, J1, M etc.) depending on the employee's age. This is a once off exercise for each pay frequency you run. 

Important Note

When using this utility, please note that further review will be needed afterwards within Add/Amend Employees for the following categories of employees:

  • employees under the age of 16 or over 65 for whom no date of birth has been entered

  • employees who should not be on a normal class e.g. directors entitled to PRSI Class S (the software will not assume that proprietary directors are entitled to class S)


Click Yes to proceed with the routine:



Alternatively, employees' PRSI classes can be changed on an individual basis within 'Add/Amend Employees'.



Need help? Support is available at 01 8352074 or

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