Employers should be aware of the following three scenarios that can arise and the correct action:
Please note: each of the 3 scenarios are legally correct - it is the employer’s own decision as to which scenario they wish to implement. Best practice is to put a sickness policy and sickness pay policy in place to clarify the issue for both managers and employees.
Action required:
Amend the employee's hours/basic pay to reflect the period the employee is out sick
Check for and import any amended RPN file immediately
Action required:
Reduce the employee's salary by the value of the Illness Benefit they are receiving so you are merely topping up the employee's salary to their normal periodical salary (or the alternative as dictated by your company sick pay policy).
Check for and import any amended RPN file immediately
(Employee will claim and retain the DEASP Illness Benefit payment themselves)
Action required:
Reduce the employee's salary by the value of the Illness Benefit they are receiving so you are merely topping up the employee's salary to their normal periodical salary (or the alternative as dictated by your company sick pay policy).
Check for and import any amended RPN file immediately
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