Where a Director is in receipt of income which is classified as Director's fees and not remuneration this portion of income is subject to Class S PRSI rates.
Director's fees are defined as fees relating solely to attending board meetings and other specific directors duties and not remuneration under a contract of service.
Therefore, this portion of income, is not subject to Employer PRSI.
You may need to confirm this treatment with your accountant/tax advisor or if you are in any doubt to whether or not any portion of income is to be treated as Director's Fees.
Employee PRSI (assuming the Director is a Class A contributor)
Director's Weekly Salary/Remuneration €1000.00
Director's Fees €2000.00
Salary/Remuneration (Subject to PRSI Class A1) €1000.00
€1000.00 @ 4.1% (until 30th September 2025) = €41.00
€1000.00 @ 4.2% (from 1st October 2025) = €42.00
Director's Fees (Subject to PRSI Class S) €2000.00
€2000.00 @ 4.1% (until 30th September 2025) = €82.00
€2000.00 @ 4.2% (from 1st October 2025) = €84.00
Total Employee PRSI deduction = €123.00 (until 30th September 2025)
Total Employee PRSI deduction = €126.00 (from 1st October 2025)
Employer PRSI
Director's Weekly Salary/Remuneration €1000.00
Director's Fees €2000.00
Salary/Remuneration (Subject to PRSI Class A1) €1000.00
€1000.00 @ 11.15% (until 30th September 2025 = €111.50
€1000.00 @ 11.25% (from 1st October 2025) = €112.50
Director's Fees (Subject to PRSI Class S) €2000.00
No Employer PRSI chargeable under Class S
Total Employer PRSI deduction = €111.50 (until 30th September 2025)
Total Employee PRSI deduction = €112.50 (from 1st October 2025)
Revenue submissions will all reflect PRSI contribution for the period at Class A1, as Class A takes precedence over any other PRSI class within a contributory period.
To enter director's fees, go to Process Icon No. 3 or Payslips > Weekly/Monthly/Fortnightly Input
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