Thesaurus Payroll 2025 is now available to download - please click on this link 2025 Payroll Download 

Click here for 2024 FAQs


Dec 2022


2022 Christmas Opening Hours

 Here are our opening hours for the Christmas period:      

Friday 23rd  09:00 - 13:00
Saturday 24th Closed
Sunday 25th Closed
Monday 26th Closed
Tuesday 27th Closed
Wednesday 28th 09:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 17:00
Thursday 29th  09:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 17:00
Friday 30th  09:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 16:45
Saturday 31st December Closed
Sunday 1st January Closed
Monday 2nd January Closed


All of the staff here at Thesaurus Payroll Manager would like to thank you for your valued custom in 2022. We would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

To contact our support team you can call us on 01 835 2074, or email us at

Visit online documentation Online form

Posted byHolly McHughinCustomer Update

Dec 2022


How to identify and process Week 53 in payroll

A week 53 arises in payroll when there is an extra payday in the tax year. It only applies to employees who are paid weekly (week 53), fortnightly (fortnight 27) or 4-weekly (4-weekly 14).

If an employer changes a payday during the year, or in the previous year, resulting in a ‘week 53’ payday, no additional tax credits or rate band are due. This also applies where a payment, including a notional payment, is made to an employee on 31 December (or 30/31 December in a leap year) and it is not the employee’s normal payday.

If a week 53 arises, PAYE Regulations state that the employer should use the latest Revenue Payroll Notification (RPN) to apply an extra pay period’s tax Credit and cut-off points and deduct Income Tax and Universal Social Charge (USC) on a Week 1 basis. If the emergency tax basis applies to an employee, then the employer must continue to apply the normal rules that apply to the calculation of income tax or USC on an emergency basis.

If a normal week 53 applies, your payroll software will automatically apply the rules, as outlined above. It is highly recommended that you always run a week 53 as a separate payroll run to any other payroll period, ensuring that a separate Payroll Submission Request (PSR) is submitted to Revenue with the correct payment day.

If the normal pay date falls on the 1st January and payment is made to the Employees on the 31st of December (as the 1st is a Bank Holiday) this is not a week 53 calculation, but the first pay period of the new tax year.




Related articles:

Posted byHolly McHughinPAYEPayroll

Mar 2022


Thesaurus Customer Update: March 2022

Welcome to Thesaurus Software's March update. Our most important news this month include:

Additional public holiday in Ireland 

The extra once-off public holiday on 18th March 2022 was brought in to recognise the efforts of the public and in remembrance of those who lost their lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. This means that employees are entitled to an additional day’s paid leave. 

Connecting payroll and payments with Modulr 

Register for our upcoming joint webinar with Modulr on 10th March to discover how you can make payments to employees from within Thesaurus Payroll Manager.

calendar icon

Streamline employee communications

Thesaurus Connect is an essential tool for keeping your payroll data safe and streamlining employee communications. All communication between Thesaurus Payroll Manager on your PC and the Thesaurus Connect servers is carried out on a safe channel with maximum security.

Thesaurus Software & Relate Software Merger - 6 Months On 

In September we announced that we have joined forces with Relate Software. Over the past six months, we have been working hard to merge both companies into one, and we are now jointly operating as Bright Software Group. By operating as Bright, we have access to additional resources to improve the services and support we provide to our customers.

There are no changes to the functionality of the software or the support you may receive from our team. 

New bill for remote working  

The government wants to introduce legislation that will underpin employees’ right to request remote work. Thesaurus Payroll Manager, in tandem with Thesaurus Connect, will allow for completely seamless “working from home” functionality, where there are multiple individuals who work on or require access to the same employer files. 


Posted byHolly McHughinCustomer Update

Feb 2022


Increase profits and improve client satisfaction with Thesaurus Connect

A recent customer survey revealed that only 15% of Thesaurus bureau customers actually charge their clients for the extra features of using Thesaurus Connect. This is a very surprising figure, as we expected it to be much, much higher. Thesaurus bureau customers are losing out on potential profits and revenue by not at least passing on the cost of Thesaurus Connect to their clients – even though they are providing an additional service to their clients.


Additional services

You may not use every single Thesaurus Connect feature, but below is a list of additional services alongside processing the payroll, that can be offered to your clients. Remember, once signed up for Thesaurus Connect – all of these features are included in the price - so why not make use of them!

  • Client dashboard
  • Annual leave management tool
  • Multiple users
  • Extra support for remote working
  • Employee self-service

Client dashboard

Invite your clients to their very own client dashboard where the client can view and run payroll reports, upload important documents for employees, and manage annual leave. We recommend that you book a 15-minute online demo to view an overview of Thesaurus Connect.

Annual leave management tool

Employees can be invited to a self-service portal where they can request and cancel annual leave. Once the client approves the leave request, it flows automatically into the payroll software on the bureau’s PC and is added to the employee’s calendar. 

Multiple users

Both the bureau and client can add as many users to Thesaurus Connect as they wish. We recommend that you only set users up as standard users. You will be able to edit permissions on what each user will have access to. Follow step-by-step instructions to assign a new user on Thesaurus Connect.

Extra support for remote working

Post-pandemic, there has been a growing trend of businesses implementing long-term and permanent remote working and hybrid working work environments. Thesaurus Connect has been updated to include improved remote working functionality. This includes a ‘version checking’ feature when opening the employer file and an ‘other users check’ to prevent the risk of conflicting copies. This is extremely useful when there are two of more processors, processing payroll from multiple PCs.

Employee self-service

Thesaurus Connect’s employee self-service portal allows employees to access their payslips, documents or their holiday calendar 24/7, anywhere, anytime. The portal can be accessed through an internet browser or through the Thesaurus Connect smartphone and tablet app which is available on both iOS and Android devices. This employee app reduces admin work for a manager or HR department having to accept and track annual leave and sending payslips.

Increase profits and client satisfaction

The many features and benefits mentioned above will ensure that your business is future proof in keeping up with all payroll trends. Thesaurus Connect will benefit you, your clients and their employees. The client will have more control over payroll data and can create custom reports without having to request them. There is less admin work needed overall, meaning that the time saved can be spent on other important aspects of the business that need attention.

We recommend that you list all of the additional services that your client can benefit from by introducing Thesaurus Connect. They might want to use all of the features or others might want to select a few. Either way, it’s helpful to include everything as they might want to re-visit the features at a later date. The client could be saving money themselves as they could have been paying for a separate annual leave system that they can now get rid of as Thesaurus Connect includes one.

By introducing Thesaurus Connect to your clients, you are giving them access to the great benefits of cloud technology. Integrate your payroll and HR processes to save time by eliminating manual data entries, using one system that caters for multiple processes. Book a 15-minute demo today to discover more about Thesaurus Connect.

To keep up with the latest payroll news, check out our new Bright website. There, you'll be able to register for any of our upcoming payroll webinars and download our payroll guides.

Related articles:

Posted byHolly McHughinBrightPay Connect

Feb 2022


Data backup: three strategies to protect your business from data loss

Do you backup your data regularly? 17% of businesses keep no data backups whatsoever and store information only on their computer's hard drive. The purpose of a backup is to create a copy of your data which can be recovered in the event that the original is disrupted. Backups protect against hardware failure, virus attacks, natural disasters, and human error.

A recent Hiscox report, which surveyed 355 companies in Ireland, showed that 41% of Irish businesses suffered at least one cyber-attack in 2020. The report also revealed that 6.5% of Irish firms paid a ransom following a ransomware attack.

It is essential that you backup your payroll data to protect your business and your employees. Your business can save time and money if any of the above events occur, and you have a copy of your data elsewhere. Discover three ways you can backup your data below.

1. Backup using cloud storage

Investing in cloud storage such as Google Drive or Dropbox allows you to keep your data safe in the cloud. You will need to remember to manually backup your data regularly. With cloud storage, an advantage is that your data has multiple backups within your storage provider’s data centres. This means that if something catastrophic happened to your backup, it is already backed up somewhere else.

2. Use an external hard drive

A less popular option is backing up your data using a physical storage device or USB key. Your data transfer speeds are typically faster as you don’t require an internet connection. This method can come with its own risks and cost per GB can also be expensive.

3. Use Thesaurus Connect

If you process payroll in-house, Thesaurus Payroll Manager’s add-on product, Thesaurus Connect, enables users to safely and securely backup their payroll data to the cloud. A chronological history of backups will be maintained which can be restored to your PC at any time. Click here to book a free 15-minute online demo of Thesaurus Connect.

Discover more:

To discover more about Thesaurus Payroll Manager and Thesaurus Connect and how it can improve your payroll services and save you time, schedule a free online demo with a member of our team today. Thesaurus Payroll Manager also offers a 60-day free trial of its payroll software, an ideal way to test out the software to see if it’s the right fit for your business. The free trial version has full functionality with no limitations on any of the features. Thesaurus Connect is not included in the free trial.

Related articles:

Posted byHolly McHughinPayroll Software

Feb 2022


Thesaurus Customer Update: February 2022

Welcome to Thesaurus Software's February update. Our most important news this month include:

Webinar: Updated EWSS guidance  

Register for our upcoming webinar on 4th February at 2.00 pm where we will be joined by guest speakers from the Revenue Commissioners to discuss the upcoming changes to the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) which will take effect on 1st February 2022.

Integration with Surf Accounts (coming soon)

Thesaurus Software’s latest API integration with Surf Accounts allows both the payroll software and the accounting software to directly communicate with each other to upload the payroll journal seamlessly. This eliminates the need to manually export and import the file, ensuring no manual data entry errors occur.

Protect your business from data loss  

It is essential that you backup your payroll data to protect your business, your clients, and their employees. Backups protect against hardware failure, virus attacks, natural disasters, and human error. You can safely and securely backup your payroll data to the cloud with Thesaurus Connect.

Pay employees through Thesaurus Payroll Manager

Get greater flexibility when paying employees with Thesaurus Software’s payments partner, Modulr. Schedule payments in advance or make last-minute changes at the click of a button. With Modulr, you can make same-day payments when processed before 2 pm.

Keep up to date with us 

In 2021 we hired 40 fantastic employees and we are looking to hire more. Follow Thesaurus Software on LinkedIn to keep up to date on company news, industry insights, and all our latest job postings. 


Posted byHolly McHughinCustomer Update

Jan 2022


Thesaurus Customer Update: January 2022

Welcome to Thesaurus Software's January update. Our most important news this month include:

5 ways to boost the efficiency of your payroll process      

Boost the efficiency of your payroll process by using cloud technology. Thesaurus Connect enables your HR and payroll processes to be more streamlined than ever before. Join our webinar to find out how your business can benefit.

How to make a profit while streamlining your payroll services 

Kick-off the new year by aligning your payroll software around key goals that will help propel your company into the future! By introducing cloud technology to your payroll, such as Thesaurus Connect, your payroll and HR processes can be more streamlined than ever before.

New integration with Surf Accounts (coming soon) 

Using API technology, Thesaurus Payroll Manager will produce the payroll journal in a file format that is unique to Surf Accounts. This allows users to easily send their payroll figures into their general ledger at the click of a button and avoid any manual processing errors.

Signing into Thesaurus Connect 2022 

Once you have downloaded Thesaurus Payroll Manager 2022, it is essential that Thesaurus Connect users sign into their 2022 software to avoid their account expiring. Please follow the simple steps below to ensure that you continue to use the amazing features of Thesaurus Connect while securely backing up your payroll data.

Transform your payroll this year with digital banking 

Thesaurus Payroll Manager users now have access to Modulr, the payments platform behind banking app Revolut, to pay employees. Having an integrated system between the payroll software and the digital finance platform can offer a smoother, more efficient payroll workflow each pay period.


Posted byHolly McHughinCustomer Update

Dec 2021


Thesaurus Customer Update: December 2021

Welcome to Thesaurus Software's December update. Our most important news this month include:

Time to renew your 2022 payroll licence

The quickest and easiest way to purchase your 2022 licence is online. The order process is straightforward and takes approximately 3 minutes to complete. Once your order is complete, you will receive your invoice along with your licence key which you will need to activate your 2022 licence.

Please note: Thesaurus Payroll Manager 2022 has not been released yet. We will send you another email once the software is available to download and install. The estimated release date is mid-December.

No annual leave headaches this Christmas  

Trying to accommodate staff leave over the Christmas period can be stressful as it's a very busy time for leave requests. Thesaurus Connect's annual leave management tool will ensure managing staff holidays over the Christmas period is a stress-free experience for everyone.

Purchase One4all gift cards 

You can purchase One4all gift cards in Thesaurus Payroll Manager. Employees can receive a gift card completely tax-free each year, up to a maximum of €500. This is the perfect gift to give employees to reward them this Christmas.

Please make sure you are using the latest version of Thesaurus Payroll Manager when purchasing One4all gift cards.

4 payroll resolutions for January 2022 

With the new year approaching, now is the perfect time to reflect on your business’s past year and decide what you want to do differently for 2022 to grow the success of your business. Here are four payroll resolutions that you could take on for 2022.

Free Webinar: Pay employees through Thesaurus Payroll Manager  

Thesaurus Software have recently partnered with Modulr, the payments platform, to enable the ability to pay employees directly through Thesaurus Payroll Manager with same-day payments and without the need to create bank payment files. Register for our upcoming webinar on 9th December.


Posted byHolly McHughinCustomer Update

Nov 2021


4 mistakes to avoid when running payroll

Thesaurus Payroll Manager's optional add-on product, Thesaurus Connect, unlocks powerful cloud features that help improve your payroll processes. Below, we outline 4 mistakes that you should be avoiding when running payroll, and what solutions both Thesaurus Payroll Manager and Thesaurus Connect can offer to ensure that your business is safe and secure using the latest technology. 

1. Failing to back up your payroll data

It is highly recommended that you always keep a back-up of your payroll data. Using a cloud platform such as Thesaurus Connect or an external device to back up data is the safest option to ensure you never lose valuable information, should something happen to your computer.


2. Complicated annual leave process

Do you need an easy-to-use leave management tool? With Thesaurus Connect, employees can request annual leave through their own self-service portal. Once approved, the leave will be automatically synchronised to the payroll software on the desktop.


3. Inefficiency and human error

Your efficiency when running payroll will depend greatly on the level of automation used. Automation cuts down on the repetition of uncomplicated tasks. Thesaurus Software's automation includes payments platform Modulr to help reduce the risk of errors.


4. Not complying with GDPR

Using GDPR compliant payroll software means you and your employees can rest assured that all personal data is stored and managed in a safe and secure manner. Click here to find out how Thesaurus Connect is helping with GDPR.

Book a Thesaurus Connect Demo

Watch this short video for an overview of how your business can benefit from Thesaurus Connect.

Related articles


Nov 2021


Thesaurus Customer Update: November 2021

Welcome to Thesaurus Software's November update. Our most important news this month include:

New: Pay Employees through Thesaurus Payroll Manager

Thesaurus Payroll Manager is excited to introduce our latest integration with the payments platform, Modulr. This integration will give you a fast, secure and easy way to pay employees through the software without the need to create bank files. Join our free webinar to find out how it works.

What to Include in a Hybrid Working Policy 

Having hybrid working policies and agreements in place is essential when returning employees to the office and agreeing on a split between working remotely and working in the office. Book a demo of Bright Contracts to see how they can help your business today.

Reward your employees with a One4all gift card

With Halloween officially over for another year, it’s time to start preparing for the festive season, in particular, how you would like to reward your employees. Did you know, you can purchase One4all gift cards for employees through Thesaurus Payroll Manager?! Employers can give a gift card of up to €500 tax-free to employees.

Next Generation Payroll Trends for Accountants 

In today’s world, payroll can (and should) be profitable for accountants. Join our upcoming webinar where we explore various ways that accountants can automate payroll processes and become more efficient.

The App that Every Business should be using 

Give employees more control with Thesaurus Connect’s employee self-service app. Employees can view their payslips and HR documents, request annual leave and view their leave balance taken and remaining and can even update their personal details. Book a free 15-minute demo to find out more.

The Year that was: 2021 in Review 

2021 was a year of both personal and business challenges. COVID-19 changed life as we knew it and resulted in a lot of changes being made worldwide. New policies were introduced, people's places of work changed as well as a number of other adjustments.

Join Bright Contracts for a look back at 2021 where we detail all the employment law changes that were made and a look forward as to what the year 2022 will bring.


Posted byHolly McHughinCustomer Update